Monday, June 9, 2014

Concept art for Adze. Mostly found in African countries, this Husk resembles a large mosquito/horse fly but does not feed on blood. Mostly drawn to those prone to loneliness and despair with a greater-than-usual capacity for envy, this Husk does not feed on anything other than human flesh in it's larval stage. As a larva, its jaws are weak and so it uses a black, caustic ooze to help weaken tissue. The larva will then pupate inside the body and eventually emerge as a fully-formed adult. However, because this Husk's main goal is to propogate, the larva, once inside a human host, will release hormones along with its black substance to direct the host towards others, instilling him/her with a deep need for affection and dependency. This cycle can take only a few weeks or even a year depending on how many eggs have been deposited inside the host. Adze-fly typically strikes at night while it's potential host is sleeping. The penetration of the proboscis also deposits a numbing and anti-inflammatory agent along with its eggs although these properties will dissapate in a matter of hours, leaving Adze-host, as he/she is now called, with what they presume to be a very large and quite painful bug bite resembling that of a giant water bug.